

I specialize in understanding and changing human behavior, meaning I understand how difficult making lasting behavior change around fitness and exercise can be.  How many times have you tried to incorporate a fitness routine into your schedule, only to drop it after only 2 to 3 weeks, or perhaps after only a few days? It’s frustrating, but it is common. Some basic behavioral principles and strategies can help you break that pattern and make fitness a regular part of your routine for a long time to come.

Please note that I am not: a fitness expert, coach, medical doctor or any other professional who can give you advice about how to exercise or how certain types of exercise will impact your body. Always talk to a medical professional before starting or significantly altering an exercise routine. The content on this page is meant to support you in behavior change – that is, creating systems and prompts in your environment to help you be successful with physical activity once you’ve determined what you want or need to do.