The ultimate new baby supply checklist!

I am going to break from my typical educational content on this blog and (hopefully) provide a useful tool for expecting parents. When you find out you’re having a baby, you likely go into “list generation mode,” thinking of all the things you need to do and the things you need to buy. This reaction is quite normal and even has a name… “nesting,” meaning that you’re preparing your home and space for your little one.  I nested most of the time throughout my pregnancy, and I fondly remember color coded post-it notes, white boards, and fancy notebooks with all the lists being around for months while we waited for our little one!  List making (and checking items from it) made me feel organized and like I had some control over this life changing event! When I became pregnant, several friends shared their knowledge with me about what I’d really need, and I found their recommendations to be incredibly helpful! So, today, I’m taking a turn from the traditional science based parenting theme of my blog and providing a useful and practical checklist for the new parent. I’ve added my own ideas and items to create the ultimate pre-baby supply checklist.

  1. A solid, sleek, dependable, attractive stroller – I did a TON of research on strollers and we finally landed on the mockingbird. I wanted something light, collapsible but still sturdy enough to hold personal items and make me feel confident walking two dogs while pushing my infant in the stroller. Almost 4 years later, we just donated it to another family. The mockingbird stroller was an exceptional purchase and we got so much use out of it! It held up for over 3 years, was flexible, attractive, and safe.
  2. A way for you to stay active – in addition to walks, you’ll want to have a dependable way to stay active once your little one arrives. And you can’t rely too much on gym classes and opening gym times because your schedule will be quite unpredictable. We built out a small gym garage and it helped us stay healthy and alert during those infant days. We love our Aviron indoor rower. (And don’t forget apparel to go with!)
  3. Labels – seriously, Mabel’s labels are awesome, and you’ll need them for all your items, especially when baby goes to daycare or on family trips. We still buy them today for preschool items and let our son help pick the design. They are different from other labels because they attach to anything, (even clothing) and don’t come off in the washer or dryer.
  4. Baby Carrier – Of course, this is a must! We loved the options of ErgoBaby and the ease with which I could put it on and take it off without help. Lillebaby also has great, comfortable, and stylish selections.
  5. A stellar, flexible, moveable breast pump – if you plan on breastfeeding, this is a must! I write more about pumping with pride and joy on my blog here, and I loved the willow pump! It allowed so much flexibility with pumping and enabled me to move about when I needed to.
  6. General skin care products (for you and baby!) I’m lumping general skincare together, because listing them separately would make a list of 10 just with skin care products alone. I absolutely loved the deodorants (yes, you’ll need A LOT!), diaper balms, and breastfeeding support products available from Earth Mama Organics.
  7. Baby monitor/camera/detection system – this was a must for our family. We had our little one in a bassinet in the bedroom for about 6 weeks and then decided to move him into his own room and into a crib, where he has slept ever since. You’ll be stressed about how your baby is sleeping at first and of course, you’ll want to know when he awakes so you don’t have to open the door and risk waking him to check. The sense-u baby monitor is not just a camera, but offers monitoring of your baby’s movements, sleep position, and temperature. There are alerts if anything is off and even motion detection.
  8. Some basic infant friendly toys – admittedly, I over purchased in this category. Babies need love, food, and stimulation. When my son first began engaging with items, I was surprised at how fascinated he was with kitchen utensils, even more so than traditional toys I purchased for him. Nonetheless, having a select few simple toys around the house will make interaction more fun for you, and give you items you can use to support growth and development. I love the infant line at HABA and they even have some functional items like pacifier clips.
  9. Books – if you haven’t started already, start reading as soon as your little one enters the world. I read to my son in the womb daily and have continued ever since. He absolutely loves reading and we occasionally have to limit the number of books we can read at night before bed because he’d stay up all night reading if we let him! Cali’s books make fun, interactive books that don’t rely on apps, but have lights, sounds, and music.
  10. Clothing – this goes without saying, but you’ll need a LOT! Although I received a bunch of outfits through gifts from friends and family, we purchased more clothing and always had stacks of onesies and shirts readily available so we didn’t have to think abut laundry constantly. I love all of the items at primary – they are simple, easy and reasonably priced. I also love the softness and style of Finn and Emma – their infant line is the softest I’ve found!

Other tips:

If you’re brave enough to take a trip, check out Babyquip! It’s a Baby Gear Concierge service that allows you to rent equipment for your travel and return it at your destination when you’re done so you don’t have to worry about lugging strollers, car seats, highchairs or other large equipment with you. Highly recommend!

Pishposh baby offers a selection of hand-picked items for baby. Their site offers knowledgeable information and their team is readily available to support your purchase.

Check out project nursery for nursery décor, and decoration inspiration – they have the most creative items and ideas!

Disclosure: I only recommend products I currently use or would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post contains affiliate links and if you purchase something using them, I may earn a small commissionYou can read my full disclaimer, here.

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